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Icons – Arrows

Use these Icons in Infographics or other graphic types to dynamically show movement and transition to a future state.

Infographic 10

Use this Infographic to share quantitative data related to a specific topic.

Area Chart

Area Chart 3

Use this Area Chart to show amounts, values, and time. This graphic is data driven.

Area Chart 2

Use this Area Chart to show amounts, values, and time. This graphic is data driven.

Area Chart

Use this Area Chart to show amounts, values, and time. This graphic is data driven.

Bridge Graphic

Bridge Graphic 5

Use this Bridge Graphic as a graphic metaphor to depict the connection or transition between two actions, concepts, or entities.

Bridge Graphic 4

Use this Bridge Graphic as a graphic metaphor to depict the connection or transition between two actions, concepts, or entities.

Bridge Graphic 3

Use this Bridge Graphic as a graphic metaphor to depict the connection or transition between two actions, concepts, or entities.

Bridge Graphic 2

Use this Bridge Graphic as a graphic metaphor to depict the connection or transition between two actions, concepts, or entities.

Bridge Graphic

Use this Bridge Graphic as a graphic metaphor to depict the connection or transition between two actions, concepts, or entities.

Bubble Chart

Use this Bubble Chart graphic to show amounts, values, and time. This graphic is data driven.

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