A Trainer's Guide to PowerPoint: Best Practices for Master Presenters + 100 Free PowerPoint Graphics
Learn the secrets needed to Master PowerPoint for training. Push it to the next level. You know the importance of great PowerPoint presentations and content. How you engage your audience and improve understanding, recollection and adoption. A Trainer’s Guide to PowerPoint: Best Practices for Master Presenters is Mike Parkinson’s master class on the art of PowerPoint. While Mike wants you to understand how amazing a tool PowerPoint is, he’s the first to tell you that there is no magic button to make awesome slides. There are, however, proven processes and tools that deliver successful PowerPoint content each and every time you use them. In this book he shares them, detailing his award-winning PowerPoint process and guiding you through three phases of presentation development—discover, design, and deliver. What’s more, Mike is a Microsoft PowerPoint MVP. He shares not only his tips and best practices for presentation success, but also those from several of his fellow MVPs. Master PowerPoint now.
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100 Graphics
Your eBook comes with 100 professional, editable PowerPoint graphics you can use anywhere you need a graphic. The graphics are intended to be tailored, combined, and animated as needed. Think of it as graphic Legos®. There are an infinite number of ways you can use these graphics.
LMM, LEM and Cheat Sheets
You get Mike’s Learner Motivation Map (LMM), his Learner Empathy Map (LEM), and many other unique “cheat sheets” to speed development. These tools help you make better PowerPoint content faster than ever before.
Step-By-Step Instructions
Included in the pages of your book are step-by-step instructions to make powerful PowerPoint content, materials, slides, and presentations. Use your new skills to make a successful training materials, infographics, guides, and cheat sheets.
Some of the companies and organizations that train with Mike Parkinson or use his tools and best practices…
“At the Presentation Summit, Mike is known as our energizer bunny. He’s full of energy, always on the go, and never stops. While leading our seminars, he can get so excited, he actually does a little bunny hop. I make fun of him, but I know that this is actually his secret sauce – this is how he brings such passion to his work and to his audiences. It was with great pleasure that I discovered these same qualities are in A Trainer’s Guide to PowerPoint. You can feel Mike’s warmth and passion in just about every page of this fine work.”—Rick Altman, Host, the Presentation Summit
“This book is essential reading for trainers who want their slides to lead to learning. PowerPoint is a tool and as a master craftsman, Mike Parkinson shows us how to expertly deploy this tool. But he doesn’t just offer a list of tips and tricks. He approaches it philosophically, offering wise and practical guidance on audiences, planning content, and making slides visually appealing.”—Jonathan Halls, Learning Specialist and Author, Rapid Video Development for Trainers
“Poor visual aids can doom a presentation before the first word is spoken. More than just design tips, this book enables presenters to avoid all-too-common mistakes and shows how to make stunning slides specifically targeted for their audiences.”—Erik Palmer, Consultant and Author, Own Any Occasion
“This book gives trainers the whole package from A to Z. Mike Parkinson covers the best practices for understanding the audience, solving their problem, creating slides with impact, and delivering a powerful presentation.”—Connie Malamed, Author, Visual Design Solutions
“If you strive to create better training presentations, close your PowerPoint file and read this book. Mike Parkinson offers practical advice that will help you improve your training materials, from concept to delivery.”—Julie Terberg, Terberg Design, Microsoft PowerPoint MVP, Director, Presentation Guild
“There are few, if any, as well versed in designing Power Point presentations as Mike Parkinson. This book is invaluable for anyone who has a need for creating powerful PowerPoint slides.”—B.J. Lownie, Managing Director, Strategic Proposals