Hub and Spoke 3
A collection of 18 new hub and spoke graphics.
Pie Arcs
A fresh new set of modern pie graphics for your library.
Add different styles of Kanban graphics to your library.
Smartphone UIs
A set of professionally designed, unique smartphone user interface graphics.
Use your new keyboard graphics to illustrate shortcuts, quick keys and modifier keys.
DevSecOps Graphics
18 traditional and innovative DevSecOps graphics ready to use.
Isometric Set 2
279+ new isometric graphics for business, training, engineering, maintenance, and much more.
Point to Point Timelines
Multiple timelines showing parallel and merged execution.
Road Graphics 2
Use your new road graphics to show timelines, pathways, and tell the story of your journey.
A collection of desktop, laptop, tablet, and smartphone computers.
Spiral Staircase Graphics
Spiral staircase graphics show progress and the iterative nature of the process.
Spiral Pie Graphics
Get these unique spiral pie graphics to show maturation, growth, and change.
Road Signs
Add 182 road signs to your Build-a-Graphic collection.
Road Graphics 3
Add 223 new, unique road graphics and elements right now.
14 vehicle graphics for use with your new road graphics.
Vehicle Highlights
Innovative ways to illuminate and highlight your ideas.
36 exclusive, new process and/or timeline graphics for your library.
Looping Pie Charts
Add 21 modern looping pie chart graphics to Build-a-Graphic now.
26 vector illustrations of people from around the world.
Iconic landmarks from around the world.
Traffic Lights
Use these traffic light graphics to show flow, governance, and other concepts.
Looping Callouts
Add these new, unique looping graphics to your library.
Building Cutaways
Home and office cutaways to illustrate flow, process, and other related content.
Isometric Security
New security and survellance graphics for Build-a-Graphic.
Isometric Hub and Spokes
Get these modern hub and spoke graphics to show collaboration, structure, and organization.
DNA Graphics
70+ professional DNA graphics to show teaming, synergy, collaboration, and many other concepts.
Isometric Military Personnel
93 military images for use in scenarios, training, battle space graphics, and other infographics.
Overview Graphics
Use these unique process diagrams to show a program overview or executive summary.
Isometric Venn Graphics
Add these innovative isometric Venn diagrams to support your messages and narrative.
Scale 2 Graphics
New receiving scale graphics to add to your balanced scale graphics.
Isometric Business Metaphors
27 new and completely editable isometric business metaphor graphics for your collection.
Tear Sheet Binder
New binder graphics to share your text, show your notes, or illustrate documentation.
Process/Timeline Numbers
24 new numbered process and/or timeline diagrams are available for immediate download.
3D Pie Stair
Get these 3D pie stair graphics to show progression, growth, and maturation.
Highlights and Quotes
Make important content jump off the page with these new designs.
Isometric Business Metaphors 2
New metaphors illustrating struggle, teamwork, challenge.
Isometric Animals
A collection of isometric animals for your growing library.
Use these new graphics to illustrate different types of force.
Isometric Day In The Life: Business
Use these amazing “day in the life” graphics to contextualize your content.
Isometric Day In The Life: Medical and Science
More amazing “day in the life” graphics to contextualize your content.
Isometric People 2
More isometric graphics for showing people doing different daily and work activities.
Chain Graphics
Add 134 new chain graphics to your library and illustrate connections, links, cohesion, and more.
Hub and Spoke 4
54 professional hub and spoke graphic variations to share your content and ideas.
Isometric Waterfall + Stair Graphics
36 unique waterfall and stair graphics for your library.
Isometric Dome 1
Several new isometric 100% editable Battlespace dome graphics.
Spiral Graphics 2
Unique spiral graphics depicting a repeatable, agile process and collaboration.
Adoption Radar
A set of radar / target graphics showing adoption phases.
Simple Process
41 simple, clean, modern, professional process diagram templates.
Isometric Electric + Power
Professional isometric graphics tailored for the electrical and power.
Conveyor Belt Graphics
Download these new conveyor belt graphics to show processes and automation.
Icons for Disabilities
70 new icons showing people with disabilities.
Isometric NOC
New graphics depicting (Network) Operating Centers to show OJT, oversight, or other related concepts.
Bridge Graphics 2
New simple, clean, modern bridge graphics that show transition, time, and/or a process.
Computer Callouts
Get 18 modern, professional computer callout graphics to highlight and emphasize important information.
Isometric Engine
Use this graphic to show a transformation or review process.
Agenda Slides
50 new graphics to use as agenda slides, lists, TOCs, chapters, and more.
Icons for Sports
100 new icons for sports, gaming, and competition metaphors and messages.
Org Charts 2
New org charts to add more variety to your existing organizational chart collection.
Big Data
A new set of exclusive graphics that shows data and information dissemination/distribution.
Big Data 2
35 more graphics that show data and information dissemination/distribution.
Icons for IT and Security
Add 92 new IT and security icons and symbols.
Pie Wedges
54 unique pie chart variations to show collections of related content.
Process Pointers
27 modern and professional diagrams to quickly show your processes (+ gradient swatches).
Supporting Hands
New, unique graphics to show support and reinforcement.
Looping Ovals
Add new versions of looping ovals to show iterative processes, collaboration, and many other concepts.
Program Lifecycle
Get these unique program lifecycle and timeline graphics now.
Venn Process
18 Venn process diagrams for your collection of professional graphics.
Icons for Automation
New icons showing various forms of automation and assembly.
SWOT Analysis
32 new SWOT Analysis graphics to track strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.
Chain Coils
Add these new coiled chain graphics to visually link your content in a new way.
Pie Charts
Use these unique data-driven pie charts to share quantitative data.
Zipper Graphics
Innovative visuals to show synergy (zip up) or division (zip down).
Isometric Call Center
Download and add 25 new isometric call center related graphics.
Peg Graphics
Get these new peg graphics to quickly illustrate integration, attaching and detaching.
Isometric Peg Graphics
Add isometric peg graphics to your library to show connecting and disconnecting.
Chain Hexagons
Add two styles of these modern linked graphics to your library.
Isometric EV Charging
Get new isometric EV charging graphics for your Build-a-Graphic library.
New 100% editable dashboard graphics and elements.
Icons for Business and Tech
94 new icons depicting various business and technology concepts.
Pie Column Charts
Add these new circular column charts to your library now.
Loops Rounded
New rounded looping graphics show flowing, cyclic content.
Binder Clip Notes
Great for sharing an agenda, show a list, or to display a collection of elements.
Gauge Compass
Use your new compass graphics to reinforce roadmapping, wayfinding, and other related ideas.
Road Graphics 4
Illustrate complex to simple with your new collection of road graphics.
Pie Polygons
Add 155 new charts to your library. A new way to show organization and groupings.
Fishbone Diagram
Use your new Ishikawa fishbone diagrams to uncover the root cause of a problem.
Interlocking Loops
New interlocking looping graphics to show timelines, interdependence, and connections.
Abstract Agenda
Use this unique abstract agenda and set of shapes when you need to show something extra creative.
Isometric Escalators
Escalator graphics are a great way of showing a process, growth, tiers, automation, and many other concepts.
Icons Science and Nature
73 new linear and flat science and nature icons for your collection.
Hub and Spoke Infographics
Get these innovative hub and spoke infographics to share your ideas and data.
Timeline Agenda
New modular agenda graphics to organize your content.
Stickers, Tags, and Tickets
31 new stickers, tags and ticket icons/graphics for your library.
Icons Scissors
Use these scissor images to reinforce concepts like cutting, elimination, and shaping.
Tree Growth
Fantastic graphics to show growth, maturation, profitability, and other related concepts.
Table Window
Use this window table to share your matrix content in a new way.
Road Graphics Merge
100% editable road graphics depicting merging, exiting, and accidents.
Funnel Graphics 2
New professional funnel metaphor graphics for your collection.
Gauge Tables
Show levels of completion or competence with these new graphics.
Table Infographics
Great for showing key points, details, agendas, and more.
Table Highlight Boxes
Use these new highlight boxes to draw attention to important content.
Gauge Apple Watch
Download several Apple Watch gauge graphics with different interfaces.
Gauge Watches
New professional, editable gauge watch graphics to show time-based concepts and metrics.
Funnel Megaphone
Use these new megaphone infographics to show announcement steps and other related concepts.
Pie Segmented Wheel
New, unique ways to show groupings with supporting elements in the notched segment.
Funnel Rings
Over 60 new funnel ring graphics and elements for your library.
Isometric Mission Control
New mission control graphics for your growing library.
Isometric Teams
144 new graphics to illustrate groupings, teams, and other related concepts.
Spiral Cables
Show consolidation and simplification with your new spiral cable graphics.
Spiral Shapes
Use these new spiral and burst shapes to show movement, progression, and connectivity.
Isometric AI and ML
New AI and ML graphics to illustrate how advanced AI, ML, and related works.
TearSheet Checklists
Add these new professional checklist graphics and elements to your library.
Pie Inputs
New graphics illustrating inputs into a system, collection, or group.
Icons ISO
Use these new certification icons and badges to demonstrate proficiency.
Pie Half Charts
Use your new graphics to show groupings, agendas, and similar concepts.
Icons Escalator & Elevator
Add 28 new escalator and elevator icons to your collection to show advancement, progression, and other related concepts.
Table Meatball Chart
Use these new meatball charts/tables to quickly show compliance, experience, and a host of other concepts.
Process Swim Lanes
24 new swim lane/workflow graphics for your growing library.
Data Sharing and Docs
Many new, innovative data sharing graphics with document image options.
Road Racing
Use these new road racing graphics to communicate speed and fast processing.
Spiral Speed
New graphics illustrating interoperability.
Journey Road Graphics
30 new road, path, and journey graphics to show process, timeline, growth, transition, and other concepts.
Stacked Circles
Use these new stacked circle graphics to show levels, layers, and lists.
Loop Connected
Use these new looping graphics to show flow or connected people, process and/or tools.
Merge + Feature/Benefit Tables
New graphics, elements and tables to show features, benefits, or merged content.
Isometric Depth and Breadth
Use your new isometric graphics to show growth, breadth, and depth.
Vee Diagram
Show interdependent, parallel process development at a glance.
Isometric Assembly Line
Add new 3D assembly line graphics to your library to show process, production, and related concepts.
Rocket Graphics
New rocket metaphor graphics to address related concepts.
Circular Calendars
New circular calendars for your collection.
Half Pie 2
Use your new half pie charts to show grouped segmented elements.
Tech Nodes
Add new graphics that are great for AI and tech content.
Isometric Distribution Center
New isometric distribution and warehouse graphics.
List Bars
Use your new graphics to show an agenda or a list of elements and topics.
Icons for AI
28 new linear and filled AI, ML, and related icons and symbols.
Neurons (Standard + AI)
New anatomical and AI neuron graphics to explain a host of topics.
Looping Brain + AI
Add almost 200 new graphics to explain AI, knowledge management, and similar concepts.
AI Brain Pie
Add new AI brain pie charts to share key elements that comprise your content.
Timelines 5
18 new simple and clean timelines for your collection.
Cutaway Spheres
Striking, unique ways to show nested, interoperable elements.