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Circle Chart 2

Use this Circle Chart to show changing amounts, values, or time. (This graphic is NOT data driven.)

Circle Chart

Use this Circle Chart to show changing amounts, values, or time. (This graphic is NOT data driven.)

Conveyor Belt 2

Use this Conveyor Belt Graphic to illustrate a repeatable linear process.

Cutaway Diagram

Use this “battle space” Cutaway Diagram to show communication and alignment between forces. Elements are raster with transparent backgrounds. Lines…

Dashboard Graphic 3

Use this Dashboard Graphic to show multiple metrics in one consolidated format. The line chart and pie charts are data…

Dashboard 2

Use this Dashboard Graphic to show multiple metrics in one consolidated format. The line chart and pie charts are data…

Dashboard Graphic

Use this Dashboard Graphic to show multiple metrics in one consolidated format. The line chart and pie charts are data…

Process Diagram 8

Use this Process Diagram to show relationships, influences, and interactions.

Process Diagram 7

Use this Process Diagram to show relationships, influences, and interactions.

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